Izanagi's Journey - Day 2
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 03:44:53 AM
They said this place is called Yomi.
It’s dark and cold and is nothing like the world Izanagi knows.
His footsteps are uncertain, but still, he goes onward. His desire to be reunited with Izanami once again is stronger than everything else.
His eyes can’t see well in the darkness, but suddenly, a dim light appears.
It’s a torch!
The fire is slowly consuming the roots that serve as its fuel. The flambeau is held by a woman, her appearance conceals her age quite well.
“You see… I cannot bear children” - the woman softy begins to speak – “and that destroyed my entire life. I put all my love into a little tree, which began to grow stronger and bigger due to my care.
It became beautiful and people from other villages came to see and admire the tree.
But… one day, the tree produced fruit.
And those fruits looked like human faces. Baby faces.
I realized it was my fault, my desire to have children passed down onto the tree which tried to make me happy. But it was… horrifying.
I burned down the tree and I still can hear the cries of those fruits. All that’s left to me are these roots, that burn eternally. The roots speak to me of evil and there’s nothing I can do to sedate this hate.”
Izanagi listened to what the woman had to say, silently.
“My name is Futaba… never forget my name, as it’s tied with History itself.”
...the wheel of fate - a power even the gods are subject to - is turning.
You, reader, choose which question Izanagi will ask by writing it in the comments below
- A - "Why did you burn the tree, despite how much it had done for you?"
- B - "Why did you long so deeply for a child who could never be yours?"
Downloadable Content
A new bonus have been added! An exclusive wallpaper that will be downloadable by all the backers!
Add Ons
So access to add-ons is open! Below detailed instructions!
For those who only want one or more busts, we are preparing a bust-specific pledge level (likely arriving tomorrow morning)!
Pledge Manager
Many of you asked, so it's time to say something about it. We are currently finalizing our deal with the pledge manager provider, and we will have soon important news about the pledge manager, so expect them in the next few days!
Izanagi's Journey - First Day
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 06:55:21 AM
This is a tale of gods and humans.
Or, more precisely, this is a tale of how gods experienced human emotions.
When Izanami was taken from him, Izanagi had never experienced death before. And for the first time, he knew that something wasn’t under his control.
A turmoil of feelings shook within but they were incomprehensible to him.
For the first time in his existence, he felt confused, uncomfortable and… scared.
And when he knew that Izanami was in another place, a place he had never heard about before, together with other people who had experienced death before her, he made this decision: He would travel in this unknown place, and see for himself what death looked like.
Alone, Izanagi left all the comforts of the sun and air, and delved into his first journey. What lies ahead is yet to be seen.
So... what can we say now?
We've been simply overwhelmed by your love and support, and we're honest when we say that we didn't see this coming. You've gone beyond our expectations and destroyed mostly of the stretch goals we had in mind (and they're finishing). We won't be thankful enough!
That means that there won't be any more unlockable content?
No way! Please welcome our... daily unlocks!
As you can see, during Izanagi's journey, we're about to reveal something more every day regardless the amount of funds reached.
and... keep following him, as he might need your help for his future choices!
Add-Ons shop
So we are almost ready to show the Add-Ons section on the main page!
They will show up in a matter of hours, so don't worry!
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 12:11:25 AM
The Gods have been awakened.
Life and death, intertwined in a never-ending waltz, are now in front of your very own eyes.
We’re funded!
We want to thank each one of you for joining this campaign and making this dream a reality. This project is very dear to our hearts - an ambitious goal that’s never been attempted before. The joint forces of CA Sculpts’ mastery in modeling and Axis Mundi’s unique designs have created some beautiful labors of love. But, we were still missing one final piece of the puzzle. You. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts!
And now that the first milestone has been reached, the campaign can truly begin!
What are we going to see?
Stretch Goals
First Stretch Goals destroyed!
...we are overwhelmed! In the next hours we will reveal them, so stay tuned! A little sneak peek...
Stay tuned for more!
Izanagi's Journey
Starting from tomorrow, Izanagi will start a journey that will be told in the next updates. You will accompany him on his ill-fated journey across the Yomi, sharing the feeble hope in his eyes and the primal terror in his heart.
"I was alone, and then you came. The One became Two, Two that are One. Now… you’re gone. And Two turned to be One. But… why do I feel like the One is broken apart?"